Thursday, March 31, 2016

Learning Latitude and Longitude

Second and Third graders start their Europe Unit learning about the lines of latitude and longitude. We created a giant sized map to walk the lines and learn about locations of various countries.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Equations Club Competes in Academic Challenge Cup

Congrats to our teams that competed at the Equations Tournament at UMSL on March 2. Team, 'Haz No Chance' won one of top three highest scores! Congratulations to Aaron for taking one of the top three individual scores. Great job to all the students who participated this season!

Way To Go Second and Third Grade Jr. FLL Teams!

Congratulations to all the teams that participated in the Jr. First Lego League Competition on Saturday. Students did a great job representing Old Bonhomme! Way to go teams! They won the following recognitions:

Second Grade Team, Techy Techy Terminators:
Gracious Professionalism Award

Second Grade Team, Paper Savers:
Presentation Sensation Award

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Third Grade Team, Sticky Survivors:
Caring for the Planet Award

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Second Grade, Team Masters of Plastic
Clear Communicators Award

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