Wednesday, December 16, 2015

First Grade Science Experiment

First grade scientists made hypotheses about how long it would take a kernel of popcorn to pop using oil as the variable. Each student wrote their own hypothesis and then compared their results. Check out our future scientists of the next generation.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

First Graders Pop Into Science!

Our first grade students created their popcorn journals for their new science unit, All About Popcorn. They learned the scientific method and they are ready to study, examine, hypothesize, and explore the world of popcorn.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Building Structures and Bridges

Fourth graders are learning about various architectural styles. We have examined how the Romans influenced modern bridges and The Greeks build beautiful temples using simple geometric shapes. The Romans were influenced by the Greeks and "borrowed" ideas while creating bigger more grand structures. Old influenced new and even today we still use the ideas of the ancient greats.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fourth Graders Start New Architecture Unit

Welcome to a new unit of learning, Architecture. We kicked off the unit by building structures and bridges! Students broke into teams and using problems solving strategies and communication, tried to build the highest structure and the strongest bridge. We learned about the principles and elements of design, the principle of 'form follows function' and why a strong foundation is an important part of design and building.

First Grade Popcorn Tableau

First graders take you on a dance journey as they learn about how popcorn starts as a tiny seed and then grows into massive corn stalks. In their tableau they follow the journey of the seeds from the farm to the fryer. The stalks grow, the farmer harvests the seeds and then she cooks and eats the popcorn! A fun and meaningful way to learn the science behind popcorn.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Congratulations to Old Bonhomme 4th Grade FLL Competitors

Fourth Grade Old Bonhomme Idea Lab students participated in the FLL (First Lego League) at Brittany Woods Middle School in University City. Three teams represented Old Bonhomme at the competition. The topic this year is waste management. Team Scrappers researched food waste and learned all about composting. Team Smokie No's researched about cigarette waste and Team Trash Invaders researched cardboard waste. Students competed in three robotic programming rounds, presented on their researched topic and solution, presented and defended their robot design and programs. They also presented on their teamwork and problem solving skills. Congratulations to Team Scrappers for winning the Core Value award.
"This award recognizes a team that excels across the Inspiration, Teamwork and Gracious Professionalism categories. This team displays extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit, knows they can accomplish more together than they could as individuals, and shows each other and other teams respect at all times."

 Hooray for all of our teams! They were all superb and impressive.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Third Grade Idea Lab - JrFLL

Third graders working hard to prepare for the Junior First Lego League tournament. They are researching the impact of gum litter on the environment. They have learned that gum is the second most littered item in the world next to cigarette butts. We are brainstorming ideas to reduce this type of waste and help reduce all the money spent and chemicals used to clean it up.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Third Grade Chooses Topic for Jr. First Lego League

Students researched all about gum waste. Did you know that it costs between 16 cents and three dollars to clean up every wad of gum off the pavement. We are looking forward to coming up with ways to deal with the harmful effects of gum waste on the environment.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Conferences are right around the corner! If you didn't get a chance to sign up there are a few spots left!
I'm also happy to do an email or phone conference if the times are inconvenient.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Author Read Aloud - First Grade Writers!

Our budding first grade authors share a teaser from their recently published books!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

For the Math Minded Fourth Grader; A Great Experience

Any St. Louis area student interested in mathematics (mostly for grades 4-10) is welcome to join the Washington University Math Circle.  They meet on Sunday afternoons and have speakers talk about a different math topic each time.  This is a wonderful way to prepare for contests of all sorts.  Please click here for more information!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Gifted Resource Council Offers Saturday Enrichment Classes

Saturday enrichment classes beginning October 10th. Click on the link for more information about what is offered.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Team Trash Invaders Share Project Progress

Team Trash Invaders share their latest project progress. Excited to see what each team creates for the Trash Trek First Lego League season. Check out their ideas!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Conference Time!

Hard to believe conferences are just around the corner! If you would like a conference for Idea Lab, feel free to sign up here using this link:

Team Scrappers researching their topic

Fourth grade students discuss the process of researching their Trash Trek topic for the First Lego League competition. They used team work to choose a topic, research various aspects of their topic and develop solutions. We are excited to start using the robots to test out the missions!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Atlas' are not old school, atlas' are cool!

Second graders are learning all about physical and political maps as the study Australia!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Graders are Creative Writers!

After reading Gradfather Tang's Story, first graders brainstormed ideas, learned the basics of word processing, and are working to develop their own creative writing skills.
We used tangrams to inspire our writing! Some of our stories are sporty...

Some are based on real life events...
Others are silly and clever...
and a few are science fiction!
No spoilers here but I can't wait till we're edited and published and we'll share them with you!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Fourth Grade Lego First Robotics

Teams got wind of the First Lego Challenge, Trash Trek. They got right down to business planning, preparing and researching the future of waste management. Can't wait to see what solutions they come up with!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Third Graders are Ready For the Next Great Adventure...Australia!

Fourth Grade - EV3 Excitement!

Our first Robotics group to complete the maze! They were so engaged I couldn't get them to stop at recess time!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fourth Graders Gearing Up For Robotics!

This week fourth graders learned about First Lego League (FLL) core values and we learned how to program our new EV3 robots! We'll show you a video when we complete the maze!


Great Website for Parents

Just want to pass along the web address for the National Association for Gifted Children. NAGC provides great resources for parents with current information, publications and frequently asked questions about Gifted children. Check it out:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Second Grade Idea Lab - Continent Pie!

Second graders learning about the continents. We learned what percent of land mass each continent covers. We even got creative with our pie graphs!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! Click on the links at the top of the page to learn about Idea Lab. Looking forward to a fantastic year!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Gifted Children Thrive on Team Challenges

Recently, second and third grade Idea Lab students competed in Jr. First Lego League and soon our third and fourth grade students will be competing in Equations and Creative Convention at the Academic Challenge Cup. Here's a link to an interesting article on Gifted Children and Team challenges:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Archaeolgy Mini Dig

Fourth grade students uncover ancient civilizations during our mini dig to prepare for the Big Dig at the end of the year.