Monday, October 24, 2016

Fourth Graders Need Your Help!

Looking for a great way to get some exercise while helping out our Ladue elementary students and local animal rescue organizations? It's free, it's easy, all you have to do is download a free app, walk by yourself, walk with friends or walk with your dogs. The app will keep track of your miles and on November 4th, let me know how far you walked. The kids will add your name to the back of their display board for their competition! For more information, check out their project by clicking on the link below...

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Second and Third Graders Research Amazon Rain Forest Animals

Check out some of the characters in our upcoming stop motion movie on the Amazon Rain Forest. Stay tuned for our debut of Rainforest Rescue.  A short animated film about the rain forest animals coming together to save their home and teach humans about the importance of preservation.

Friday, October 14, 2016

First Graders are Preparing to Be Scientists!

First graders work to classify objects and create categories for similar objects and shapes.

Solving Missions for First Lego League