Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fourth Graders Start New Architecture Unit

Welcome to a new unit of learning, Architecture. We kicked off the unit by building structures and bridges! Students broke into teams and using problems solving strategies and communication, tried to build the highest structure and the strongest bridge. We learned about the principles and elements of design, the principle of 'form follows function' and why a strong foundation is an important part of design and building.

First Grade Popcorn Tableau

First graders take you on a dance journey as they learn about how popcorn starts as a tiny seed and then grows into massive corn stalks. In their tableau they follow the journey of the seeds from the farm to the fryer. The stalks grow, the farmer harvests the seeds and then she cooks and eats the popcorn! A fun and meaningful way to learn the science behind popcorn.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Congratulations to Old Bonhomme 4th Grade FLL Competitors

Fourth Grade Old Bonhomme Idea Lab students participated in the FLL (First Lego League) at Brittany Woods Middle School in University City. Three teams represented Old Bonhomme at the competition. The topic this year is waste management. Team Scrappers researched food waste and learned all about composting. Team Smokie No's researched about cigarette waste and Team Trash Invaders researched cardboard waste. Students competed in three robotic programming rounds, presented on their researched topic and solution, presented and defended their robot design and programs. They also presented on their teamwork and problem solving skills. Congratulations to Team Scrappers for winning the Core Value award.
"This award recognizes a team that excels across the Inspiration, Teamwork and Gracious Professionalism categories. This team displays extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit, knows they can accomplish more together than they could as individuals, and shows each other and other teams respect at all times."

 Hooray for all of our teams! They were all superb and impressive.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Third Grade Idea Lab - JrFLL

Third graders working hard to prepare for the Junior First Lego League tournament. They are researching the impact of gum litter on the environment. They have learned that gum is the second most littered item in the world next to cigarette butts. We are brainstorming ideas to reduce this type of waste and help reduce all the money spent and chemicals used to clean it up.